Bordeaux Laundry Collection

Fragranced Laundry Dryer Ball Set
Fragranced Laundry Dryer Ball Set
100% New Zealand Woollen Dryer Balls are a must have when using your dryer at home! Not only are they a practical way to reduce your drying time and help to seperate your clothing and linens from bunching, by using our pure fragrance oil, it also leaves your washing with a beautiful scent.

Laundry Dryer Ball Fragrance Oil Refill Bottles
Fragrance Refills
50ml dropper filled with your favourite Bordeaux Fragrance. Pure fragrance oil, not diluted with any base products so you get the concentrated oil.
This oil can be used on your Laundry Dryer Balls, or with your Scented Wooden Beads.
All you need to do is put a few drops of this oil onto each of your Bordeaux 100% New Zealand Woollen Dryer Balls and pop the balls into your dryer with your washing. It will leave your washing (and laundry) with the most beautiful scent.